Friday, 30 December 2016

2016 - The year of the pb

“You would run much slower if you were dragging something behind you, like a knapsack or a sheriff.” - Lemony Snicket

Having just finished my last trot of 2016 I thought I'd post something about how its gone with my running this year.

After a slow start and a while taken to relocate my AWOL mojo, two goals for the year slowly started to emerge.  To maintain my UTMB qualifying status and to post some quicker road times at last.

Training weekend in the Lakes
Fewer miles this year, 1,740 to be precise, fewer races too, but faster times.  So how did I get on? Well, by sneaking in a Parkrun with only a couple of weeks to spare, I'm chuffed to say I got both bagged...

Best bits
Worst bits
  • A seriously muddy day out ending with a wrong turn at the end of the Haworth hobble.
  • Missing my 3.15 target at the marathon.
  • Return of the cramps at Osmotherley and the Yorkshire Marathon after a cramp free 2015.
  • Falls one to nine of a very wet UT110k in July.
Its been great to post some faster times this year but I have learned how difficult it is to improve as much as I'd like at everything from 5k to 100 miles (well, duh!).  To get close to a three hour marathon is going to require much more focus and it certainly isn't going to happen any time soon as I'm still loving the trails too much.

2017 will be the year of the ultra, starting in a few days on New Years Day at the Hardmoors 30 at Robin Hoods Bay for what promises to be a bracing 50k on the coast.  Unlike last year, I already have my major races lined up for 2017 with the two most exciting being the Hardmoors 110 (my second 100 miler) and the V3k in Snowdonia (my first Skyrunning event).  

Then there is the UTMB ballot again in a few weeks time.  Double chance this year for the greatest race in the world but I'm trying to not get my hopes up too much.  If I'm unsuccessful this year, its guaranteed for 2018 assuming I finish what I've got planned.

Couldn't finish this without showing off my one of a kind medal hanger created for me by my dad for a Christmas box.  Had loads of fun loading it up and reminiscing of battles won and lost...

Looking forward to more running adventures in 2017.  Happy New Year!

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Sweating the small stuff - 11/12/2016

"If I can get better, why not?"- Emil Zatopek
One of the reasons I started writing this blog was to record my thoughts and experiences about running my first ultra distance race when I finished the Race to the Stones in 2014.

This post is partially about Parkrun so its amazing to see how far I've come in the last three years and over 4,000 miles!

One of my major running goals this year was to put down some times on the road I feel happier with and having got personal bests at half and marathon earlier in the year, the past few weeks have been about maintaining consistent training but also squeezing in a 5k and 10k road race.  

It might sound strange but I've never raced over these distances so any time would be a personal best but I still wanted to see where I am at and put down a marker for each distance before the year is out.

The 10k was at the Leeds Abbey Dash with my colleagues and some clients from BDB.  It was a cool and wet morning perfect for running if a little cold.  Bobby and Ben were also there hunting down a pb (and succesfully I might add).  

From BDB there were some notable performances.  Andrew nailed a sub 40 time after a long recovery from a horrific leg break (nice one fella) and Gill and Amy completed their first (and last Gill?) ever races.  It was great to share the experience with so many friends and a mid morning beer afterwards!  Awesome running by everyone 

I had a good run if a shade too conservative at the start on reflection.  I finished in 38.16 which was well inside my target of 39 minutes.  

Sporting my red BDB shirt at the Leeds Abbey Dash
Despite having a reputation for fast times, having reviewed mine and others Strava records it looks like the course measured a little long (maybe 100 metres?).  So sub 38 minutes looks like a great target for the next 10k attempt.

I have been saying I want to do a Parkrun for ages but because i do my long runs on Saturday it has never quite happened.  Yesterday I realised I was running out of time this year so I just fit York Parkrun into my long run and did the rest after (a grim 11 miles after charging around a 5k so I will not be making a habit of this!).  Getting my excuses in like a proper amateur athlete, I have a rotten cold and made loads of mistakes.  My time was 18.36 which felt ok all considering.  18 minutes looks like a worthy next step to aim for...

That completes the slam of road bests in 2016.  It has certainly given me a confidence boost and a better feel for where I am with my running.  Hours on the trails is the best fun but its difficult sometimes to see how you're progressing as no two runs are the same.  

I'm not sure what opportunity I'll get to shoot for faster times next year.  I have some major ultra plans which is about going long and not fast so its been great to get some quicker markers down for the future.

I am already into my training plan for the Hardmoors 110 in May 2017, with the next major target being a 50k on New Years Day at the Hardmoors 30.  What better way to spend your birthday!?