Thursday, 31 December 2015

2015 A Badger's Running Year

Memories take us back, dreams take us forward.

In 2015 I've upped the ante.  I didn't quite make my 2,000 mile target due to injury (1,879 to be precise) but I still ran harder, further and faster than I've ever done before.

Three tough ultras, three trail marathons, one sprained ankle with a road marathon and a wee half thrown in for good measure.

The memories quickly fade which is why writing these little blogs has been so useful.  To remind myself of the highs and learn from the lows.

March - A chilly Hardmoors 55 and ultra number 3 for me
2015 Worst bits
  • Sat slumped in the mud and rain 20 miles from my car after just spraining my ankle on a miserable recce of the Hardmoors 60.
  • Two weeks moping about my UTMB chances slipping away with my injury.
  • A hungover and bruising experience at the Rombalds Stride.
  • Crawling (literally) out of bed the morning after the SDW100.
2015 Best bits
  • Emerging into the lights of Helmsley and finishing strong at the Hardmoors 55.
  • Smashing the 24 hour barrier in my first 100 miler at the SDW100.
  • Incredible ultra trail running experiences meeting new people and discovering some epic trails all over the country. 
  • Running through the pain barrier at the Hardmoors 60, three weeks after the sprained ankle and completing my UTMB points haul.
  • Settling an old score with a road marathon pb in York.
  • Running with my buddies at the North Lincs Half and the Roseberry Topping Trail Marathon.

Tough to see how I can top that lot next year.  A few races in the diary already but a lot rests on the UTMB ballot.  If I get lucky, I'm going to need to dream bigger again next year.  Its hard to imagine because its been tough at times this year both physically and mentally.

But hey, nothing worth having is won easily right? 

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